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Who pays for the rental car after an accident?

Even when your vehicle is severely damaged or totaled in a collision, your life must go on. That means you need to find a new way to get to work, school, and anywhere else you need to go – often, this means paying for a rental car.

But who pays? You know this is not a cost you should be expected to absorb if someone else is responsible for causing the crash. Fortunately, there are multiple opportunities for you to ensure the liable party covers your costs with help from an experienced car accident lawyer.

Keep reading to learn more about who will cover your rental car costs and what you expect as you move through the car accident claims process.

who pays for rental car after accident

When does the insurer pay for a car rental?

You may be wondering who pays for a rental car after an accident. The good news is, in many cases, the insurance company may be responsible. Georgia is a fault state for insurance purposes. When you are involved in an accident, you file a claim with the liable party’s insurance company, and the at-fault party is obligated to compensate you for your damages.

Of course, after a car accident, who pays for rental car coverage may not always be clear. If the person that hit you does not have auto insurance coverage, you may not be able to file a claim with their auto insurance company. Instead, you may need to move forward with a civil lawsuit against them if you hope to maximize your financial recovery.

Can my own auto insurance pay for a rental car?

When wondering who pays for the rental car after an accident, it is important to consider whether you have the option of filing a claim against your personal auto insurance policy. If you purchased rental car insurance coverage as part of your auto insurance policy, you may be able to file a claim with your auto insurance provider. 

You may also be able to file a claim with your insurance company if you have uninsured motorist coverage and the driver that hit you does not have auto insurance in place. This way, the insurance company will cover the cost of your rental car no matter who is responsible for causing the accident. 

However, it is always important to be aware of the fact that filing a claim with your insurance company could mean the insurer decides to increase the amount you pay upon policy renewal. The insurance company will lose money when they pay out on your settlement. For this reason, they will attempt to recover these financial losses by increasing the amount they charge you in auto insurance rates.

The rental car insurance claims process

When you file a claim with the insurance company for rental car coverage, understanding how the process works is essential if you hope to avoid being taken advantage of. The insurance company will only be required to pay out up to the policy term limits. 

If the policyholder only purchases $5,000 in rental car coverage, the insurance company will only cover up to $5,000 worth of your rental car expenses. If there are remaining rental car expenses, you may need to file a claim with your own insurance company or bring your case to trial so you can hold the liable party accountable for your rental car expenses.

Speak with an Albany car accident lawyer today 

You should not be expected to cover the cost of the rental car if someone else causes your collision. However, getting the insurance company or at-fault party to cover these costs could be more challenging than you expected. Make sure you have a knowledgeable and experienced Albany car accident lawyer by your side. 

Reach out to our personal injury legal team at Shrable Law Firm, P.C. to learn more about how to get your rental costs covered and maximize your financial compensation. You can reach us by phone at (229) 349-6291 or through our online contact form to get started on your insurance and civil claims as soon as today.

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